Younger Bros. Environmental Land Care

Environmental Land Management

Permanent Mesquite Tree Removal
Seguin TX

Permanent Mesquite Tree Removal

There are many advantages of Permanent Mesquite Tree Removal. For one the entire tree is totally removed and if done correctly the tree will never return. Permanent Mesquite Tree Removal involves using a plow that is designed to sink below the surface of the ground. Because this specially designed plow hooks onto the mesquite tree just below where the main tree trunk/s meet the main root it allows trees to be totally removed. 

The main root of a mesquite tree is called the Tap Root. It’s the Tap Roots job to search for a moister/water source. However Tap Roots on mature mesquite trees have been recorded to reach lengths of a couple hundred feet. While the entire Tap Root actually does not have to be removed to kill the tree, it is advisable however in younger saplings to remove the entire root. We have found that removing the first 10″ to 12″  below ground level will permanently kill the tree. Even though while we strive to totally remove the entire root system sometimes this cannot be accomplished due to soil conditions. Because we have found in some situations that the service we offer might not be the right course of action for some properties, we highly recommend an on site inspection.

Soil Moisture Content is about the most important factor for pulling trees. Too much moisture and the equipment used to pull the trees could get stuck or cause damage to vegetation. We will not root plow during even a mild drought as the desired results cannot be achieved. 

Mulching and Shredding


Permanent Mesquite Tree Removal

Permanent Mesquite Tree Removal works unlike Mulching or Shredding of Mesquite Trees that will not kill the tree. Sadly this has become a very popular quick fix for clearing land. Cutting the tree off at ground level only removes the portion of the Mesquite Tree that is visible. This leaves the entire root system fully intact. When the top portion of the tree is removed the root system is still alive and will still grow. For this reason we highly recommend land owners us our permanent mesquite tree removal service.

What Size Tree Can Be Removed

We are often asked how large of a tree can we remove. The picture to the right is a prime example of 4 to 5 years of tree growth. These can be successfully permanently removed. Mesquite trees that are 4 to 5 feet in height can be easily removed under the right moisture conditions. However the trees must not have been mulched or shredded within that time.

Field Mowing Seguin Tx

How Effective Is Permanent Mesquite Tree Root Plowing

Will Root Plowing totally rid my property of Mesquite Trees? Mesquite Trees produce pods that contain seeds. These seeds are often consumed by Cattle, Coyotes, Birds and other vegetation consuming animals. Seeds are then deposited along with other biomaterial that fertilizes the seeds and starts a new tree. However new growth must be removed early in order to prevent the tree from blooming and producing new seed pods. 

Is Root Plowing The Best Option for My Property?  Root Plowing is not ideal for every property and is dependent on several factors. The density or number of saplings in any given area are a good indicator. Ideally to remove all saplings you want no more than 15 trees per 10′ x 10′ area. Too many trees and the ground will become to soft laying the sapling over instead of pulling out. Extremely dense areas require root plowing by bull dozer.

Soil Condition Moisture Content

Soil Moisture Content is about the most important factor for pulling trees. Too much moisture and the equipment used to pull the trees could get stuck or cause damage to vegetation. We will not root plow during even a mild drought as the desired results cannot be achieved. 

Soil Depth & Content  Very large rocks and layered sheets of rocks can prevent the root plow from reaching it’s optimum depth. While mesquite trees have no problem growing in rocks as the roots follow cracks within the rooks. We have found that our root plows just cant successfully remove these trees. 

Willingness To Rid Property Of Mesquite: Removing established growth wether it’s a fully established tree or new growth is a must. We recommend removing new growth in early spring when the mesquite is putting out leaves. Mesquite Tree Root Plowing is expensive and is a total waste of a land owners money if new growth is not removed.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss any questions you have or to schedule a site visit. Please use the Contact Us Button below.  Thank you.

Service Availability:

We are currently booked for the 2022 year and are not taking on new customers.

Please accept our sincerest apologies for not being able to help.

Thank You